2011.9-2015.6 浙江大学博物馆学专业 学士
2015.9-2017.6 浙江大学考古学专业 硕士
2017.10-2024.11 牛津大学考古学专业 博士
2024.11-至今 山东学文化遗产研究院 博士后
·Wu R., Belfield, E. J., Dong, Y., Feng, S., Fu, X., Harberd, N. P., Yang, F., Charles, M., Bogaard, A. (2024). Rice Stable Carbon and Nitrogen Isotope Values as Potential Indicators of Watering and Manuring Regimes.Frontiers in Environmental Archaeology(已接收)
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·Hodgson, J., Jones, G., Charles, M., …,Wu, R., Bogaard, A. (2023). A functional trait database of arable weeds from Eurasia and North Africa.University of Oxford.[杂草功能生态学数据库]
·Dong, Y., Bi, X.,Wu, R., Belfield, E. J., Harberd, N. P., Christensen, B. T., Michael Charles, Bogaard, A. (2022). The potential of stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analysis of foxtail and broomcorn millets for investigating ancient farming systems. Frontiers in Plant Science, 13, 1018312.
·Guo, Y.,Wu, R., Sun, G., et al. (2017) Neolithic cultivation of water chestnuts (TrapaL.) at Tianluoshan (7000-6300 cal BP), Zhejiang Province, China.Scientific Reports, 7: 16206. (共同一作)
·邬如碧, 郭怡. (2017) 氮稳定同位素分析法在史前施肥问题研究中的应用初探,农业考古, 3: 7-12.